Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 6 Chapter 8 Playing music

Adding music to presentations
Burmark (2011) discusses the benefits of adding music to presentations and combining with images to create a captivating presentation. She discusses the various emotions invoked with music and the benefits of achieving balance. I have understood the impact that music can have since age five, when music first caught my attention. I was too young, of course, to understand why, but I did know that it could make me feel very happy. One of the reasons it works in learning is association. Association of the music with the event (the presentation) can lead to a powerful retention boost. Essential to keep in mind though, is that the author must carefully choose the music to be effective. For maximum impact, the music must match the pace and the general mood of the topic. Adding music to a presentation seems like a challenge to me at this time. How do you keep it from clashing in content and loudness? How do you choose something that relates to the audience? Just because it makes you feel happy does not mean it will make everyone feel happy. As I gain experience, these issues should resolve themselves.

Burmark, L. (2011). Playing Music. In They snooze, you lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations (pp. 142-156). San Francisco, CA: Josey Bass.

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